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Westminster Presbyterian Church PCA
a congregation of the Presbyterian Church in America

Sermons from Special Services
The Work of the Word
Learning, Living, and Ministering from the Scriptures
2 Timothy 3:16-17 (Officer Ordination and Installation)
2 Timothy 3:16-17, 04/21/24Dr. Steve Jones
00:00 / 46:54
God's Mercy in Provision and Punishment
Numbers 21:4-9
Numbers 21:4-9, 04/15/22Dr. Steve Jones
00:00 / 36:45
The Kingdom of Heaven
What Do We Value Most?
Matthew 13:44-46
Matthew 13:44-46, 04/01/2021Dr. Steve Jones
00:00 / 37:36
A Living Sacrifice
A Theology of a Transformed Life
Romans 12:1-2 (Deacon Ordination)
Romans 12:1-2, 06/21/20Dr. Steve Jones
00:00 / 51:11
Before I Suffer
Loving Well in Spite of Betrayal
Luke 22:1-20 (04/18/19)
Luke 22:1-20, 04/18/19 - Dr. Steve Jones
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Presbytery of Northern Illinois Stated Meeting
Ephesians 4:1-6 (01/09/16)
Unbreakable - Dr. Steve Jones
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